Were you born with a missing tooth? You’re not alone!

Were you born with a missing tooth or teeth? Well, you’re not alone! Did you know that one in five people will have congenitally missing teeth? Did you know that congenitally missing teeth are even more common than double teeth or having an extra tooth? Did you know that congenitally missing teeth could be genetic?

If you have six or fewer permanent teeth missing, it is called hypodontia. If you have more than six permanent teeth missing, it is known as oligodontia.

In this article, we’ll talk about congenitally missing teeth and what to do about them. Today, dental treatments for congenitally missing teeth have come a long way. No longer do you have to suppress your smile if you have a congenitally missing tooth or teeth.

The most common missing teeth

The following teeth are more likely to be missing:

  • Wisdom Teeth
  • Second Premolars
  • Upper Lateral Incisors
  • Lower Central Incisors

Why your teeth may be congenitally missing

There are numerous genetic signals that need to be followed for a tooth to be formed. When you have a missing tooth, you probably lack a band of tissue called the dental lamina. This strip of tissue is found under the gums. The tooth will form inside of it, and so, if it is missing, the tooth cannot form. This could be due to genetic factors, such as the mutation of three genes: AXIN2, MSX1, and PAX9.

Congenitally missing teeth can also be due to various syndromes, such as Down’s syndrome. However, dental experts believe that we are in the middle of an evolutionary shift, wherein the adult of tomorrow will have only 20 teeth as opposed to a full set of 32.

Treatment for congenitally missing teeth

There are various treatments that a dentist can offer for congenitally missing teeth. Here are some of them:

  1. Receive a Dental Implant: If you have healthy gums and bones, then this is the treatment of choice. A dental implant has a titanium root that integrates with your jawbone and a crown that looks like your natural tooth. Often times a bone graft may need to be completed prior to the implant, but this is the most predictable, long-term solution for a congenitally missing tooth.
  2. Complete a Dental Bridge: A dental bridge is like three crowns connected together. The two teeth adjacent to the missing tooth are reduced with a dental drill for dental crowns. The bridge is then placed onto those two adjacent teeth. The bridge has a fake tooth that connects to two crowned teeth and fills in the empty space from the congenitally missing tooth.
  3. Obtain a Removable Partial Denture: This is an appliance that you can put in and take out of your mouth. It rests on your natural teeth and your gums and it has teeth on it to replace the congenitally missing teeth.

If you have congenitally missing teeth, you can get in touch with us at Harbour Pointe Oral Surgery, to explore your many options to remedy your missing teeth. We provide a range of specialized services for congenitally missing teeth. So, don’t wait to learn the options for your smile any longer!

For more information on dental procedures for congenitally missing teeth, contact Dr. Brian Hart or Dr. Kathleen Isdith at 425-353-1009 or at hporalsurgery@gmail.com.

Dr. Brian Hart: