Best treatments available for a dental bone loss?

Numerous changes occur in our body as we age. Loss of bone minerals from the bone is one of these changes. This makes our bones weak and brittle.

What is bone loss?

Bone loss is also known as Osteoporosis, a condition where bones are more fragile and more likely to be damaged. When bone loss occurs in the jawbone, it can negatively affect the performance of a dental implant.

Causes of dental bone loss

Aside from aging, several things can contribute to bone loss. Loss of  tooth (bone in that area can gradually shrink), Gingivitis (gum disease), infection, injury to a tooth, gum, or jawbone, and/or a developmental defect can lead to bone loss.

About dental implants…

Dental implants have proven to be the best treatments available for tooth loss. They provide greater benefits, compared to dentures or bridges, in respect to aesthetics, strength and stability. They mimic the natural tooth in every way and are housed in the jaw bone,  just like  your natural teeth. Patient acceptability towards dental implants is growing by the day.

Having said this, dental implants require good bone condition during placement. For a dental implant to be successful, there needs to be enough bone for the implant to be supported by and integrate with. 

Bone Loss Repair for Dental Implant

Modern surgical techniques have been proven to be extremely effective . There are many ways in which you can prepare your jaw bone to house implants. In addition to these preparations, there are also several techniques and procedure that  are widely practiced in case of bone insufficiency.

Bone Grafting

Bone cells have a unique quality which allows them to multiply lifelong. This property of bone cells is utilised in bone grafting.  Bone grafting is a technique in which a small part of the bone, or graft, is removed from one portion of bone and is placed where it is needed. The bone cells then multiply and fill up the area where bone is not sufficient. Grafts can also be obtained from an artificial source.

Ridge Expansion

A  procedure known as Ridge Expansion is commonly done when the bone in the gums is not wide enough to hold an implant. Once the healing is complete, radiographs are used to confirm healing and ensure that the bone is ready for implant placement.

L-PRF Technique

Leukocyte – Platelet Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) is a byproduct of blood that is rich in platelets. PRF supports the healing  of wounds or surgical sites in a healthy manner, but at an accelerated rate. This is incorporated in bone grafting as well, in order to support  healthy bone formation and making the sites receptive to implants. This technique ensures fast and safe healing. e.

Sinus Lift

The upper teeth, also known as the maxillary teeth, lie in the maxillary jaw bone. Just above these teeth lie the air filled spaces called the maxillary sinuses. When a patient has an  upper teeth removal, only a thin lining of bone is left. This narrow layer of bone is inadequate for supporting an implant. Thus, implant placement becomes difficult. In such cases, a sinus lift procedure is employed. Bone is grown in the floor of the maxillary sinus, which  makes the layers thick enough to support implants.

Harbour Pointe Oral Surgery Centre specializes in procedures like bone grafting, dental implants, wisdom tooth removal, regular tooth extractions, jaw reconstructions, and oral pathologies. Our team of oral surgeons is highly skilled in all areas of maxillofacial and periodontal surgeries. Our office is conveniently located in Mukilteo. Your experience will be made comfortable with our friendly staff and we promise to provide the best possible oral care with our leading-edge equipment and technology.

If you are planning to get your bone loss treated, you can request an appointment at Harbour Pointe Oral Surgery & Advanced Dental Implant Center. Our dental team will be happy to guide you through the entire process. For more information or to book an appointment you can visit https://www.harbourpointeoralsurgery.net or call Harbour Pointe Oral Surgery at (425) 353-1009.

Categories: Dental Implants
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