Are dental implants as good as the natural tooth?

After cosmetic dentistry and invisible braces, dental implants are said to be the next best thing in dental treatments. After getting dental implants, many patients express just how satisfied they are with their treatment. So let’s discuss everything you need to know about dental implants or tooth implants.

Tooth replacement

Dental practitioners around the world are striving to provide the best treatments for their patients. A common tooth-related complaint dental specialists receive is related to tooth loss. A tooth may have been lost due to decay or gum disease. When this is the case, the tooth needs a tooth replacement with an artificial tooth as soon as possible, or it can lead to bone loss or disfigurement of the face. Fixed bridges and dentures have been the most common tooth replacement treatment, however, there is a breakthrough with the advent of dental implants. They have become extremely popular and have shown great results in a relatively lesser frame of time.

Dental implants – the most viable tooth replacement option

Essentially, dental implants function in the same way as your real teeth. Instead of natural tooth roots, your tooth is held in with a titanium implant post that is surgically implanted in your jawbone. Over time, your jawbone heals in and around the titanium implant through a process called osseointegration. The strength of your jawbone, and your jaw’s ability to heal around the implant directly influences the strength and stability of the implant.


Unlike natural teeth, your dental implant will function differently because it is anchored into the bone, rather than by the tooth’s roots in the gums. Natural teeth are allowed some movement since they are attached into the gums with ligaments, while dental implants should not move at all. In some contexts, your dental implant could be stronger and withstand more pressure than your natural teeth.

If you have gum disease or tooth decay, then your teeth will be less stable in your mouth. Teeth in a gum diseased mouth are likely to move around in your gumline and feel unstable when biting into hard foods. At the same time, even though dental implants can remain sturdy and strong in your mouth, they are susceptible to infection as well.

The primary way to keep your dental implants healthy and strong is by keeping your gums and jawbone healthy and strong. This is why patients often need to undergo a bone graft before receiving dental implants. Bone grafts strengthen your jawbone, so the area is more equipped to heal around the titanium implant.

How is it done?

The 4 step procedure of implant placement

  1. Implant post placement

This is the first step in placing an implant. The part of the implant mimicking the root of the natural tooth, called the “implant post”, is fixed deep into the gums. It is a minor surgical procedure and made painless with help of local anesthesia. At this point, you’ll still have a gap where your tooth is missing. A type of temporary replacement denture is done for appearance if required. You can remove this denture for the purpose of cleaning and while you sleep.

     2.The phase of bone growth

Once the metal implant post is placed in your gums, the process of jaw bone fusing to the implant material begins. This is known as osseointegration.  During this process, the jawbone grows in and around the surface of the dental implant. This process can take several weeks or months. It mainly provides strong support for the new artificial tooth.

      3.Abutment Placement

Your surgeon will assess the bone growth with the help of an x-ray or a CBCT and decide whether you are ready for the next step. Once the osseointegration is complete, you may need to get the upper portion of an implant,  known as the abutment — the piece where the crown will eventually attach (support for the crown). This is done under local anesthesia since it is a minor surgical procedure. The technique will depend on each case type.

In some cases, the abutment is attached to the dental implant post when the post is implanted. That means you may skip this surgical step. The abutment is visible and is not very aesthetically pleasing, so some people don’t l prefer to have the abutment placed in a separate procedure

     4.Getting new artificial teeth

After the abutment is placed, your gums will require one or two weeks to heal. Once healed,  the artificial tooth can be attached to the abutment. Your surgeon will take a few measurements and impressions of your mouth and remaining teeth. These impressions are used to make the crown of your implanted new tooth. The crown can’t be placed until your jawbone has enough strength to support the use of the new tooth.

Advantages of dental implants

  • Improved comfort.
  • Excellent stability and support.
  • Improved appearance.
  • Allows for better phonetics and speech.
  • Improved self-esteem.
  • Good oral health is achieved.
  • Implants are durable and convenient.

If are you have any missing teeth or have you done any tooth extraction and having second thoughts about getting implants, do not worry! Our team at Harbour Pointe Oral  Surgery & Advanced Dental Implant Center will take great care of you.

You can request an appointment at Harbour Pointe Oral Surgery & Advanced Dental Implant Center today! Our dental team will be happy to guide you through the entire process of getting a dental implant. For more information or to book an appointment you can visit http://harbourpointeoralsurgery.net   or call (425) 353-1009.

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