5 Reasons why you should get a Dental Implant

Many people find that having a gap in their smile reduces their self-confidence, regardless of whether they lost a tooth due to physical damage or infection. A person’s ability to eat or speak normally is also impacted by tooth loss. Previously, dental bridges and removable dentures were the main options for dealing with this issue. Today’s improvements in dentistry have resulted in a more natural-looking and long-lasting alternative to removable restorations.

An implant-supported crown, bridge, or denture can be used to replace a single tooth, numerous teeth, or a whole arch of teeth. Dental implants are a fantastic choice for people wishing to improve their smiles. You may also benefit from these dental appliances. Dental implants can help you live a better life in certain circumstances. Let’s look at 5 reasons why you should get a Dental Implant.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are prosthetic teeth implanted into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. Titanium cylinders are surgically placed below the gums to act as mounts and retain the replacement teeth. A licensed dentist must carry out the procedure in a facility equipped with the necessary dental equipment. As a result, health hazards are reduced, ensuring your safety.

  1. Dental Implants Prevent Further Bone Loss:

Due to the lack of stimulation, having empty, toothless regions in the jawbone can promote bone deterioration. Furthermore, if the space left by the extraction is not filled within a year, the bone area loses up to 25% of its volume and will gradually degenerate over time. So this is where a dental implant is highly recommended to help restore stimulation and prevent bone loss in the jaw.

  1. Enhance Your Quality of Life:

Because you are self-conscious about your dental look, you may find yourself stressing about keeping your mouth clean during meals out in public or avoiding certain social situations. Even if you only have one tooth missing, it can significantly impact your quality of life. You will be able to live a more fulfilled life with a dental implant by having one less thing to worry about.

  1. Protect The Rest of Your Teeth:

Traditional bridgework requires enough support from the natural teeth on either side of the missing tooth for the temporary restoration to function. This puts additional strain on the teeth next to it, making them more vulnerable to infection or decay. On the other hand, dental implants are a stand-alone procedure that does not affect the surrounding teeth and reduces stress on them.

  1. Improve Facial and Bone Structure:

By avoiding the need to ground down neighboring teeth for traditional bridgework, dental implants maintain native tooth tissue. They will also help protect bone and minimize bone resorption and degeneration which causes jawbone loss. Dental implants also aid in the restoration of jawbone structure by reducing the stress on remaining oral teeth, preserving natural tooth tissue, and reducing bone resorption and degeneration, which leads to jawbone height decrease.

  1. Dental Implants Can Restore a Full Arch:

All-on-4 dental implants are a contemporary method for total-arch tooth replacement. Four implants are strategically placed around the lower or upper arch during this treatment. Many patients prefer the stablity of the All-on-4 method to a traditional denture. A restorative dentist will attach a secure restoration to the implants once placed, usually in the same appointment. Speak with your health provider to learn more about full-arch tooth replacement with All-on-4 dental implants.

Bottom Line:

Dental implants are not only the best tooth prosthesis on the market, but they may also improve your quality of life. Getting dental implants may seem intimidating but for these reasons and more, we hope that you and your loved ones are able to see the amazing benefits they can provide. Speak to your dentist or local oral surgeons such as Harbour Pointe to find out more and see if implants are right for you!

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