Happy 4th of July: Claim your Independence with Dental Implants

Claim your independence this Independence Day on the Fourth of July by opting for a dental implant. This may sound a bit scary, but the procedure to get a dental implant is relatively simple. So, what is a dental implant? Well, the answer isn’t complicated. A dental implant is a titanium screw, similar to a tooth root, that is surgically positioned into your bone beneath the gum line. This allows your dentist to mount replacement tooth into that area.

A dental implant is used to treat missing tooth or teeth. A dental implant does not come loose like a denture can. And what’s more, dental implants benefit general oral health, because they do not have to be anchored to other teeth, like bridges. Because implants fuse to your jawbone, they provide stable support for artificial teeth. For some people ordinary bridges and dentures are not even an option, due to sore spots, poor ridges, or gagging. If you are one of these people, a dental implant is your best option.

To receive implants, you need to have healthy gums and adequate bone to support the implant. You should also maintain meticulous oral hygiene and regular dental visits for long-term success. When it comes to dental implants, there are several factors to take into consideration before deciding whether you can have a dental implant. Some of these factors are:

  • Location of missing tooth or teeth
  • Quantity and quality of the jawbone where the implant has to be placed
  • Health of the patient
  • Cost
  • Patient preference

There are three parts of an implant: The root, the abutment, and the crown. The latter is made of either zirconium or porcelain. A dental implant can feel, function, and fit like a natural tooth and will not interfere with your everyday eating, smiling, and speaking. You can also take care of your implant by brushing and flossing it like you would a regular tooth.

The treatment time for a dental implant differs from patient to patient. The treatment time depends on each patient’s restoration needs, medical and dental histories, the condition of the jawbone, and the technique and materials that are used. The total time from start to finish may be a few months, or then, to more than a year for more complex conditions.

If you care for your implants, they can last you for a lifetime. The first step in the process is developing an individualized treatment plan. This plan addresses your specific needs and is prepared by a team of professionals, who are specially trained and experienced in oral surgery and restorative dentistry. This team approach provides you with coordinated care based on the implant option that is best for you.

This Fourth of July, you can consult with your dentist to see if you are a candidate for a dental implant. At the Harbour Pointe Oral Surgery & Advanced Dental Implant Center, we specialize in dental implants for a wide variety of patients. When you come to us, we take your unique dental and medical histories into consideration and determine a holistic treatment plan that is right for you.

Dental implant surgery is typically carried out under local anesthetic, and so there is no pain during the procedure. After the local anesthetic has worn off, the post-surgery discomfort will vary with each individual patient. In general, most people feel a level of discomfort similar to a tooth extraction. This pain can typically be managed by over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication. More invasive surgery may require stronger pain medication.

So, now you know a lot more about dental implants and how and why you should get one… Feel free to come talk with us about this more, as we are an implant center in the north Seattle region!

For more information on dental implants and how they can help you, contact Dr. Brian Hart or Dr. Kathleen Isdith
at 425-353-1009 or at hporalsurgery@gmail.com.

Categories: Dental Implants
Dr. Brian Hart: