When does wisdom teeth removal become a necessity?

Everyone has heard about wisdom teeth. They are the third set of molars in the very back of your mouth. These third set of molars grow typically between the ages of 17 and 21 in most people. Quite often, they do not need to be removed if they are healthy; are fully erupted; positioned properly; biting properly with their opposing teeth, and can be easily cleaned as part of your daily hygiene practices.
However, sometimes, due to various reasons, your wisdom teeth may need to be removed. This is because wisdom teeth can cause certain problems. In this article, we’ll talk about when wisdom teeth removal becomes a necessity…

1) Impacted wisdom teeth: In some cases, your wisdom teeth do not have enough space to emerge from the gums and to develop normally. These are called “impacted” wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth can result in certain symptoms that include jaw pain; swelling, bleeding, and tender gums; swelling or stiffness in the jaw; bad breath, and difficulty opening your mouth. In certain cases, your impacted wisdom teeth may not show any symptoms. However, your dental surgeon may still want to remove them to prevent possible problems later on.

2) Incorrect growth: In some cases, wisdom teeth take up too much space in your mouth. These teeth cannot be straightened out using braces. An overcrowded mouth does not respond to any treatment, except the removal of your teeth. Your dentist can determine which of your teeth need to be removed. They might need to remove one or several wisdom teeth. Before the wisdom teeth grow in, there are 28 teeth in your mouth. After your wisdom teeth grow in, there are 32 teeth. There might not be enough room in your mouth to fit the extra teeth, which may need to be extracted.

3) Pain and irritation: As wisdom teeth grow in, they can cause pain and aches. You may also have a swollen wisdom tooth, causing irritation. If you have a particularly sensitive wisdom tooth, this might cause pain too. If you are experiencing pain, irritation, or discomfort, you should contact your dentist for an examination and an X-ray. Your dentist can determine if the pain is caused by your wisdom teeth or is due to some other reason. Your dentist will also decide if the extraction of your wisdom teeth is the best solution.

4) Difficulty in eating: If you experience pain while eating, it may be time to remove your wisdom teeth. Your pain may be due to food getting stuck between your gums and the tops of your teeth. This could result in a lot of problems if you cannot reach the back of your mouth and clean all your teeth well while brushing and flossing. You should check with the dentist if you can use some other products to ensure that you clean your teeth well. If these do not work, extraction of your wisdom teeth may be the only and best solution.

5) A cyst around the teeth: A cyst is a sac next to the teeth that are filled with fluid. If it is not treated, it can destroy roots, bones, and surrounding structures. If it becomes too severe, it can turn into a tumor and may require additional surgery.

6) Teeth are not straight: When wisdom teeth grow in crooked, they can cause the other teeth
to shift and move over. They can even cause damage to your other teeth. Also, a partially erupted wisdom tooth can cause problems. Extraction of your wisdom teeth can prevent damage to other teeth.

7) Sinus issues: Wisdom teeth can cause a variety of sinus problems. These problems result from teeth growing in on the upper jaw. When the wisdom teeth grow and roots develop, they can rub and push against the sinuses and put pressure on them. Even though this does not happen frequently, it can result in sinus pain, headaches, pressure, and congestion. If this does not subside on its own, wisdom teeth extraction may be the only solution.

8) Cavities: The position of your wisdom teeth can have a big impact on whether you can clean your teeth properly. If not, bacteria can hide between and around your teeth. If your gums become irritated, pockets can develop between the teeth and these can cause bacteria to grow. This will then result in the development of cavities, as well as an infection.

9) Inflamed gums: Sometimes, when your wisdom teeth start sprouting in your mouth, they can create a flap of gum tissue that resides next to your teeth. This flap of gum tissue then traps small particles of food and bacteria. Once this happens, tissues around the teeth become hard and inflamed, making them difficult to clean. This is called pericoronitis and it can even occur around your wisdom teeth that are still underneath your gums.

If your wisdom teeth are erupting and are causing pain; repeated infection of soft tissue; damage to nearby teeth; gum disease, extensive tooth decay, and any other symptoms, you need to consult your dentist immediately. Your dentist will be the best person to examine your teeth and decide whether you need to undergo wisdom teeth extraction.

The wisdom teeth extraction procedure can be performed by a dentist or an oral surgeon. The procedure can be carried out under either general or local anaesthetic. There are many sedation options for wisdom teeth extraction. Depending on how many teeth are removed, the procedure usually lasts about an hour.

Your dentist will advise you as to what precautions and procedures to follow before, during, and after your surgery. For example, if you are taking blood thinners, such as warfarin or Coumadin, you may need to stop for some time prior to surgery. You may also need to take prescription medication for the pain after your surgery.
At Harbour Pointe Oral Maxillofacial & Advanced Implant Surgery, we will work with you to determine whether your wisdom teeth need to be extracted. This is especially true if your wisdom
tooth is impacted. At Harbour Pointe, your oral surgeon will have a detailed preoperative consultation with you and answer all and any of your questions and concerns regarding your wisdom teeth removal.

The oral surgeons at Harbour Pointe are not only skilled and expert in their craft, they are also extremely empathetic and understand that you may have apprehensions regarding wisdom teeth extraction. They will help allay all your fears and will perform your wisdom teeth extraction using state-of-the art dental techniques. So, if you are considering wisdom teeth extraction, consult Harbour Pointe for the best outcome possible!

For more information about wisdom teeth extraction and other dental procedures and solutions, consult Dr. Brian Hart and Dr. Kathleen Isdith at 425-353-1009 or at hporalsurgery@gmail.com or go to our website https://www.harbourpointeoralsurgery.net for more information.

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