What are the pros and cons of having dentures?

If you are missing one or more natural teeth, this may result in an improper bite in addition to difficulty in eating and talking. Other side effects include headaches, muscle pain, tooth sensitivity and even Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD).

One of the best treatments for missing teeth is dentures. Replacing missing teeth with dentures is a practice that’s been around for generations. Also, there are several different types of dentures; these include full dentures, partial dentures, custom dentures, immediate dentures, implant-supported dentures, snap-in dentures, overdentures, upper dentures, and economy dentures.

Different dentures are good fits for different patients. For instance, an overdenture covers one or more teeth, roots, or implants. Thus, that would make overdentures ideal for some senior patients that have lost some of their teeth and are needing a set of full dentures.
How do you know when to choose dentures over other treatments? The best way is to explore the pros and cons of dentures.

Pros of Dentures

Pro #1: Denture procedures are quick
Denture procedures don’t require as much time compared to other procedures, such as dental implants. Implant procedures require you to visit your dentist several times, typically over a period of six months. Dentures, on the other hand, can be created, completed, and inserted in about two to six weeks. Some dental specialists even offer an urgent service so that you can get your dentures fitted within 24 to 48 hours.

Pro #2: Dentures look and feel like natural teeth
After a preliminary adjustment period, your dentures will look and feel completely natural. Most people won’t be able to tell that you are wearing dentures.

Pro #3: Dentures provide additional support to a weak and sagging jaw
As you get older, the muscles in your mouth and jaw weaken. Dentures provide additional support to your jaw and mouth muscles which results in a very natural appearance of your mouth, jaw, and cheekbones.

Pro #4: Dentures are very affordable
Dentures are one of the most affordable dental treatments. Additionally, they can be prescribed for patients of all ages.

Pro #5: Dentures improve your smile
Dentures improve your facial appearance and give you a better smile because they act as a substitute for your natural teeth.

Pro #6: Dentures improve your eating functionality
Some foods are difficult to eat with missing teeth. After the adjustment period, you can eat food like apple slices or nuts. However, it is important to talk to your dental specialist about what food you can eat and how to eat it while wearing dentures – one of the best strategies is cutting up food into smaller pieces before eating,

Pro #7: Dentures make you look more youthful
Dentures provide bone structure to the rest of the face. This enhances the appearance of your chin and cheeks, making you look younger and fresher, which in turns makes you appear more confident.

Cons of Dentures

Con #1: Dentures still require an adjustment period
Initially, you may encounter some problems when wearing dentures. You will need to take time to eat and speak while wearing them. Your dental specialists can offer strategies on how to get used to them quickly.

Con #2: Dentures may not be a permanent solution
You might have to replace your dentures every 5 to 8 years. This is because as you age, your facial structure will change, and your current dentures may not fit your mouth anymore.

Con #3: Dentures may result in a decreased ability to taste food
While you can still eat, you may find it hard to taste the food. This is because your denture covers the upper palate in your mouth, as the palate plays a role in taste and smell. Also, if dentures are not properly cleaned, residual deposits on the dentures can result in a bad taste in the mouth and halitosis.

Con #4: Dentures may cause infection
This can only take place if the dentures do not fit properly. Ill-fitting dentures result in yeast infections, with yeast accumulating in the moist areas of your mouth.

Con #5: Dentures may have to be refitted constantly
Dentures may have to be continuously adjusted so that they fit properly. Dentures that do not fit well may cause stomatitis, which is an inflammation of the mouth and lips, caused by chronic irritation due to such dentures.

Con #6: Dentures may cause an allergic reaction
Sometimes dentures can irritate your natural gums and teeth. This may result in allergic reactions or even serious infections, such as abscesses. To counter this, you can get an antibiotic prescription from your dental specialist.

Con #7: Dentures may result in constant gagging
This may happen with some patients if they do not adjust well to dentures. This may also mean that you cannot wear your dentures 24 hours a day. Gagging may result due to dentures being overextended into sensitive areas, such as the backsides of your tongue and throat or into the soft tissue on the roof of your mouth.

If you are considering dentures, talk to your local oral surgeon or dental specialist for more information. At the Harbour Pointe Oral Surgery & Advanced Dental Implant Center, we treat patients with the best quality of care using state-of-the-art technology.

At Harbour Pointe, the first visit will consist of a thorough consultation explaining your diagnosis and treatment options. After your medical history is reviewed and when our evaluation is complete, your treatment will begin.

For more information about dentures and other dental procedures and solutions, consult Dr. Brian Hart and Dr. Kathleen Isdith at 425-353-1009 or at hporalsurgery@gmail.com or go to our website https://www.harbourpointeoralsurgery.net for more information.

Dr. Kathleen Isdith: