How Missing Teeth Can Hurt Your Oral Health

While teeth and teeth enamel are the strongest part of the human body, they are not immune to wear and tear. If they go missing, fall out, or become too damaged, serious complications can occur..

For clarification, the issue of missing teeth is not what happens when babies lose their milk teeth. Rather it is a more serious dental issue. Dentists state that missing teeth can significantly hurt your oral health and lead to other serious dental problems.

Three common causes of teeth loss are:

  • Untreated tooth decay
  • Gum diseases caused by bacterial infections
  • An accident or mishap that results in teeth falling out

Some problems you will encounter with teeth loss include: 

  • Discomfort
  • Problems with eating or talking
  • Chronic headaches
  • Weakened jaw bone
  • Gums shrinking
  • Plaque build-up on adjacent teeth
  • Further tooth decay
  • Crooked teeth growth
  • Overcrowding of teeth
  • Bacterial growth in the pocket
  • Oral infections


Why do all these things happen when teeth go missing? What’s at risk?

Research shows that the risks to your oral health increase with each missing tooth. Because your teeth are connected to other parts of your body you will begin to see more and more problem arise when one tooth goes missing;

  • Shrinking gums and a weakened jawbone allow plaque, infections, and bacteria to build-up
  • Teeth that grow in the gap of the missing tooth may not line up properly with other teeth
  • Tooth decay due to missing teeth loss can lead to three major health issues:
    • Heart Disease: Infections and inflammation in the teeth that lead to cardiovascular disease, strokes, or clogged arteries.
    • Endocarditis: Germs and bacteria from infected gums will enter the bloodstream and reach your heart.
    • Premature Birth: Studies state that pregnant women with unattended gum problems are more likely to give birth prematurely


How to Fix and Prevent Missing Teeth

There are many solutions to fixing missing teeth problems. Some of the best solutions are:

  • Dentures – They are dental apparatuses made of metal or acrylic that can be fitted into the spaces where there are no teeth. They can be used in cases of partial or complete teeth loss.
  • Bridges – These are fillers fixed to teeth on either side of the missing tooth, binding it to the mouth.
  • Dental implants – These are permanent treatments, that look and feel natural like real teeth.

In order to prevent missing teeth problems maintaining an effective and healthy oral routine is important. Here are some tips on how you can keep your teeth healthy:

  • Brush at least twice daily
  • Make sure your toothbrush is in good condition
  • Floss at least once a day
  • Maintain a healthy diet of fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Avoid or limit sugary drinks, soda, and colas
  • Avoid the use and intake of alcohol and tobacco


Don’t forget to visit your dentist for regular check-ups!

Overall, If you don’t take good care of your dental hygiene, other health problems will arise quickly. It is very important to address any dental concerns you may have as soon as possible and visit the dentist regularly to avoid serious health repercussions. Your dental insurance can help you to pay for the treatment of missing teeth and other oral health problems. Remember to talk to your dental care specialists to know more about post-surgical care and other ways you can keep your teeth clean and healthy. 


 Want to know more?

If you have missing teeth or other dental concerns, book an appointment with Harbour Pointe for a consultation. We are an experienced oral surgeons team that will guide you to the right solution.


For more information on good oral hygiene practices, visit our website.


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