Habits that might increase the risk of oral cancer

In recent days one of the most deadly diseases is cancer. It starts when your cells change and grow out of control. Nobody wants an occurrence of oral cancer at any stage in their life. Cancer that develops in the mouth and throat is a dangerous disease of the mouth. When it is caught early, oral cancers are much easier for your consultant to treat. Yet you may get a diagnosis when your condition is too advanced to treat, and you can see a consultant regularly and learn how to spot the suspicious changes. From that, you will gain knowledge of a great deal and a better shot at an early diagnosis. Here is the list of details about oral cancer and its increased risk.

What is oral cancer?

Oral cancer is one type of cancer that develops in the tissues of your mouth and throat. It belongs to a vast group of cancers called head and neck cancers. It may mostly develop on the squamous cells found in your lips and tongues. Mouth cancers are often discovered and after they are spread to the lymph nodes of the neck. Early detection of this kind of cancer is the key to surviving oral cancer.

Symptoms of oral cancer:

You may often find oral cancer on the tongue, under the tongue, and lips, but it can also be the spot in a different place in your mouth. First, you should know that the disease is not always available in its early stages. It is the reason why you recommend inclusive oral cancer screening, particularly if you are affected by jaw cancer. Here are some of the widespread symptoms of oral cancer.

  • Loose teeth or sudden bleeding in your mouth
  • A feeling of something that is caught in the back of your throat
  • Having ear pin without hearing loss
  • Occurring red or white-colored lesions
  • A continual store or strange growth in your mouth

If you are experiencing these top symptoms, you should let an oral care specialist, and identify them right away. The early diagnosis is essential for the effective treating of oral cancer. However, you may not manifest any of these symptoms. Then you concentrate on how you can make sure that you certainly do not accomplish.

Risk factors of oral cancer:

Does everyone affect the risk of oral cancer? Not of course, facing some exposure to chemicals and other substances, as well as certain behaviors, may suffer by the risk of cancer. It may also include some things that you cannot control, like age and genetics. The bad practices will be a reason for certain cancers such as oral cancer which will be occurred by oral squamous cell carcinoma that can specify your cancer syndrome. Most cancer risk is identified initially by epidemiology studies. This study may show your development stages of cancer are more or less to behave in certain ways.

Chronic inflammation:

Inflammation is the normal physiological response that oral cancer causes your injured tissues to heal. The inflammation process starts when your damaged tissues release chemical substances. The white blood cells are always taking a major part in making substances that causes cells to divide and grow to rebuild the tissues to help heal the injury. The early stages of this process will not show you any injury, and it does not end when it should. Why the soreness continues is always not known. In general, chronic inflammation may be caused by infections that do not go away and cause abnormal immune reactions to your normal tissues.  

 More alcohol consumption:

Drinking alcohol may increase your risk of mouth cancer, and it is one of the important factors of oral cancer. The risk of cancer will be high for those who drink alcohol and tobacco. If you are having the habit of smoking heavily, the threat of oral cancer may be more, and it is associated with your cheeks and the inner surface of the lips.  

Age of the person: 

Elderly age is an important risk factor for all types of cancer. Half of the cancer case occurs in people of middle age. And one-quarter of cancer is diagnosed in people of old age. Depending on your age, the cancer types also vary. Some studies have found that poor nutrition is also an aspect of causing oral cancer risk.

Minimizing the risk of oral cancer:

Oral cancer is the most preventable cancer among the other types. The first and foremost things that you should make it such as quitting smoking and avoid drinking alcohol. You may also reduce the risk of oral cancer by:

  • If you consume alcohol, drinking in moderation
  • Practicing good oral health habits
  • Restrictive your exposure to the sun and wearing the lip balm
  • Removing the dentures at night and maintaining them every day
  • Eating a balanced and well-rounded diet of fruits and vegetables

How to treat oral cancer?

Treatment for oral cancer may vary depending on the types of cancer, stages of cancer at diagnosis, and surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.


It is a treatment that contains drugs to kill your cancer cells. The medications will give to you either orally or through an intravenous line. Most people can get chemotherapy on an outpatient basis, while some require hospitalization.


Nutrition is one of the imperative parts of oral cancer treatment. Many of the treatments for oral cancer are painful and difficult to eat and swallow, and your weight loss is common. To cure these difficulties, you can get advice from your nutritionist and plan the food that will be gentle on your throat and mouth. In addition, more vitamins and mineral content are more important to heal the cancer cells in your mouth.

Radiation therapy:

One of the vital options in the treatment of cancer may involve an oral specialist. You may consult with them for aiming radiation beams at your tumor once or twice a day and five days a week, depending on the stages of oral cancer. The treatment for your advanced stages will usually involve a combination of radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Targeted therapy:

Targeted therapy is one form of effective treatment in both the early and later stages of cancer. It contains a drug that will be blind to specific proteins on your cancer cells and interfere with their growth. So this treatment has fewer side effects.

Recovering after the treatment of oral cancer:

The recovery of each type of cancer may vary depending on their diagnosis. The post-surgery symptoms will include pain and swelling, but removing small tumors usually has not connected with long-term trouble. The removal of your larger tumors could affect your ability to chew and swallow or talk as well as you did before the surgery. You might need reconstructive surgery to rebuild the bones and tissues in your oral area during the surgery. Although some treatments for your oral cancer do have side effects, they are often necessary for you to beat cancer.

Rehabilitation after the cancer treatment:

If you are diagnosed with advanced oral cancer will likely need reconstructive surgery and some rehabilitation to help you with eating and speaking during the recovery. The reconstruction process may involve dental implants and grafts to repair your missing bones and tissues in the mouth. Artificial palates are used to replace your absent tissues and bones. Rehabilitation is also necessary in the cases of advanced treatment of cancer. You may also have speech therapy from the time you get surgery until you reach an elevated level of improvement.

The bottom line:

Finally, oral cancers may depend on the specific types and stage of a cancer diagnosis and it will also depend on your age, common health, and response to treatment. Thus the details mentioned above will give you an outlook of oral cancer and its treatments. So make sure to follow up with your medical practitioner if you observe anything out of ordinary. 

For more information about oral cancer and other dental procedures and solutions, consult Dr. Brian Hart and Dr. Kathleen Isdith at 425-353-1009 or at hporalsurgery@gmail.com or go to our website https://www.harbourpointeoralsurgery.net for more information.

Dr. Kathleen Isdith: