Bridging the Gap with Dental Implants

Dental implants as the name suggests are defined as “durable, natural-looking option for replacing missing teeth, primarily for the front tooth.”

Earlier on, bridges or dentures were used by dental experts, but with changing times dental implants are most sought after. This is because they look natural and improve the look of the patient, both that are integral to restorative dentistry procedures. Today, the number of patients opting for dental implants are really high as they are considered as just another regular dental procedure and have a high success rate; they’re possibly the best option for healthy people. 

Typically, dental implants comprise of:

  • A titanium screw, which is the implant inserted into the jawbone. This implant replaced the original root
  • A porcelain crown
  • A connector, known as an abutment that connects these two pieces

Why are dental implants preferred overdentures?

Primarily, dentures are removable whereas dental implants are embedded into the bone. A permanent fixture, dental implants are durable and safe. Also, dental implants don’t decay making them the safest option. They do not obstruct the other healthy teeth and with proper care and check-up, they will last a lifetime. Dentures are movable pieces that affect eating and drinking, but implants, on the other hand, don’t cause this problem as they are fit to the bone more firmly than natural teeth. 

There are a host of advantages dental implants offer apart from the aforementioned. For a single tooth implant, the procedure is simple, without the need to cut down the teeth either side of it. 

Trivia: According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, “ One of the reasons more than 3 million Americans have opted for dental implants and more than 500,000 get the procedure each year, is because of the permanence in their procedure” 

A little more trivia on Dental Implants

Dental implants were invented in 1952 by a Swedish orthopedic surgeon named Per-Ingvar Brånemark. 

They are considered as the standard for prosthetic replacement of missing teeth.

Dental implants are mostly made of titanium, allowing them for faster integration with bone minimizing the effect of a foreign object in our body. 

Today, the success rate for dental implants is close to 98%.

Understanding the procedure of implants

An oral surgeon or a prosthodontist performs the implant keeping the patient under local anesthetic. The patient wears a temporary partial denture or a retainer for a few months, till the gums heal. This is followed by attaching a porcelain or gold crown. The patient will not feel any pain at the time but may feel some discomfort during the week after the surgery.

Your dentist and the team will suggest painkillers in case of any discomfort.

Post-procedural care and maintenance

Without proper care, implants are prone to developing a coating similar to the plaque on natural teeth. Prolonged neglect can also lead to gum infection. However, once the implants have been placed, the bone in your jaw needs to grow onto them and fuse them. In a few months, the implants may be stable enough.

Your dental health experts, however, will give you detailed advice on how to look after your implants. Regular cleaning around the teeth attached to the implants is important but slightly difficult to reach. The dentist will advise you best on how to clean the areas well. They may also chalk up a schedule for routine visits that will ensure healthy teeth and gums.

Talking to the dental care specialist

To ensure you’re getting implant made in a reputable lab by a qualified dental technician, check on the lab’s certifications and staff training before starting off on any dental procedure.

It is important that the patient talks to his dental care provider about the treatment, assessment and the way forward. But, it is important that these are addressed:

  • What is the proposed treatment?
  • The experience the team has in this area
  • Cost of the treatment

Remember, you will be spending a lot of time, effort and money, so you must be sure that you know what you are getting at the end of the treatment.

Need more advice?

If you are considering dental implants and want to get it right the first time, set up an appointment for a consultation. If you are having problem gums or other dental concerns, it is best to get it checked by one of Harbour Pointe’s experienced oral surgeons.  We have a highly skilled and experienced oral surgeons team that will guide you to the right solution. For more information, visit https://www.harbourpointeoralsurgery.net/. You can book an appointment at Harbour Pointe Oral Surgery

Dr. Kathleen Isdith: